Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Malayan Tapir (tapirus indicus)

The Malayan Tapir is the largest of the four species of tapir and the only tapir native to Asia. The females are larger than the males and can weigh up to 1,100 lbs. Also, their noses are funny.
Look at this baby! Tapirs communicate through high-pitched squeals and whistles. Haha!
Also, it kind of looks like that stupid animal Anakin Skywalker rode in Attack of the Clones. Why did that happen? George Lucas, I hate you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pink Fairy Armadillo (chlamyphorus truncatus)

At about four inches long, this is the smallest species of armadillo. It live in the grassly plains of Argentina where it burrows in the sand and feeds on ants and other insects.
When frightened, the pink fairy armadillo can completely bury itself in the sand in a matter of seconds. It also has a hilarious name.Look at those big claws!

Also, if you do a google image search for "pink fairy", this is what you will get:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blobfish (psychrolutes marcidus)

This is the blobfish. It lives deep in the ocean around Australia and Tasmania. The pressure is so high where it lives that it can't have a gas bladder like most fish have to stay afloat. Instead, it's just a gelatinous mass with a higher density than water. Blobfish just drift along the ocean floor, eating whatever floats in front of them.

If somebody could make a video that made it look like these three blobfish were a singing trio, I think that would be pretty funny.

Weird Animals

Sometimes, animals look really weird.

This blog will be about weird or funny animals I find on the internet. Seriously.